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1330 Hot-line

한국관광의 메카 “Beautiful Gyeongju”가 여러분을 초대합니다.

Korea Travel Hotline

To call the Korea Travel Hotline and request tourist information, please dial 1330.

The Korea Tourism Organization operates a 1330 tourist interpretation service for domestic and international tourists. The 1330 hotline provides tourist information as well as tourist interpreting services for international tourists to make their stay in Korea as hassle-free as possible.
Offered services: Tourist information, tourist interpretation, tourist inconvenience report, connection to tourist police

  • Calling within Korea : 1330
  • Calling from overseas : +82-2-1330
  • Language options
    • 1Korean
    • 2English
    • 3Japanese
    • 4Chinese
    • 5Russian
    • 6Vietnamese
    • 7Thai
    • 8Malay, Indonesian