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Golden City, Gyeongju


Golden City, Gyeongju

Symbols of Gyeongju

City Flower - Forsythia

City Flower Forsythia
Forsythia is a genus of flowering plants of the family Oleaceae (olive family).
It grows well in any type of soil. Tenacity being its important quality, this flower stands for Gyeongju's wish for its everlasting prosperity.

City Tree - Pine Tree

City Tree Pine Tree
Tall and evergreen, the pine tree is used not only for wood products but also for food and medicine. The tree stands for the unrelenting Hwarang sprit and fealty of the citizens that achieved the unification of the three ancient kingdoms, Silla, Goguryeo and Baekje, that had divided the Korean Peninsula.

City Bird - Magpie

City Bird Magpie
In Korea, the magpie is a symbol of an auspicious messenger. Living in harmony with the city tree,the pine tree, the magpie represents the simple, kind and unpretentious characteristics of Gyeongju's citizens.


Gyeongju's symbol

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Gyeongju's symbol represents the vision and ideology of the city. The City Identity is simple, while presenting sacredness.
The square background shape represents the beauty and harmonyof the highly developed city and the arrangement of itsBuddhist temples. The indigo blue color of the square stands for the mysterious image, bright future, and infinite potential of Gyeongju. The six dots in the square, looking like the stars above Cheomseongdae,indicate the six major villages that laid the ground for the foundation of Silla. The crown symbolizes the city's cultural and historical authority and its status. The L-shaped frame symbolizes the window of Cheomseongdae and Gyeongju's image, a spiritreaching out to the outside world. The gray-brown color stands for its long history of one thousand years and superior culture. The overall image of the symbol is optimistic and unique, fittingly reflecting the excellent spirit and culture of Gyeongju.

City Characters

City Characters
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A king and queen were selected as characters sincethey represent the historical significance and cultural excellence of the Silla Kingdom.The characters show not only the dignity, wisdom and artistic spirit of Silla, but also the progressive spirit of its citizens. The characters' appearance also represents the past and present of Gyeongju,its development and today'speacefuland prosperous era. The novelty and elegance of the nobility of Silla are expressed in the costumes of the characters. Cleverness and an excellent artistic sense can be found in the characters' shining eyes. The harmony of the colors purple and celadon blue reflect noble elegance and sophistication.

GoldenCity Gyeongju

Brand Slogan
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The city's brand slogan, "Golden City, Beautiful Gyeongju,"was coined to make Silla's golden vestiges intonew historical tourism contents, and establish Gyeongju as a global cityof history and culture. By doing so, it not only intensifies the image of Gyeongju as a global tour spot, but also makes a solid identity for culture through a distinctive design.The slogan is applied to various items for visual communication activities, and used to represent the city internally and externally.


Agricultural/Marine Products Brand Name
Esageum is the brand name of Gyeongju’s agricultural products.
Namedafter a king in ancient Silla, Esageum represents Gyeongju's will to make local products of the best and foremost quality.
  • Coronet: symbol of the king
  • The gold in the center: Outstanding golden color
  • The blue letters: Blue is a traditional Korean color that symbolizesthe "east side"(Gyeongju's regional location),and the letter font symbolizes the will to develop more and reach out to the world
  • The golden letters in the center: A combination of Gyeongju’s tradition and its international advancement